Hands on/off - 2020

Kortfilmen “Hands on/off” skapt av Katrine Kirsebom og Michael Mellemløkken vant prisen for beste kortfilm på RIFF 2020 - http://www.riff-festival.com. Juryen sier:

The movement in the film is fascinating, and the background action well chosen as it manages to highlight the city and the inhabitants as a main part of the film. The editing and camera work (cinematograph as well as camera choreography) is excellent. The distinctly cinematic tool of close-up was used brilliantly. The film is particularly current in these times of healthy distance, where the hands touching each other becomes something to underline and appreciate, as they do it in this film.

Filmen under er trailer fra danseforestillingen. Film Ånund Austenå. Dansere: Katrine Kirsebom og Gisle Hass